Been, Believe & Become;


Apparently, it has ample prospects to consider consequently, nevertheless it is eventually all about the time. Abundant approaches have been deduced to reasonably define this intricate conundrum. Firstly, imagine these numerous individuals to be integrated upon the space-time continuum randomly and infinitesimally. Two severely imperative factors henceforth ignite the preface here: Affirmative and Negative.


Undoubtedly the universe speaks the language of computation. Sounding mathematically, the present that encircles the reality is nothing but a unique and non-trivial solution, as a result of the intersection of innumerable decisions invoked simultaneously and every momentarily spontaneous unit of time is a series of 0’s and 1’s only.


Only imaginative aspect present in reality, once and for all. Monotonous but relativistic and deceptive. Although the flow of time captivates the laws of nature, all the brains congruently become erroneous within its horizons.


Among all; between reality and imagination, between truth and fact, between expectation and vision, between thought and action, between past and future, between positive and negative, between life and death, between you and me; there’s always an interface.



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