Been, Believe & Become;


Apparently, it has ample prospects to consider consequently, nevertheless it is eventually all about the time. Abundant approaches have been deduced to reasonably define this intricate conundrum. Firstly, imagine these numerous individuals to be integrated upon the space-time continuum randomly and infinitesimally. Two severely imperative factors henceforth ignite the preface here: Affirmative and Negative.


Undoubtedly the universe speaks the language of computation. Sounding mathematically, the present that encircles the reality is nothing but a unique and non-trivial solution, as a result of the intersection of innumerable decisions invoked simultaneously and every momentarily spontaneous unit of time is a series of 0’s and 1’s only.


Only imaginative aspect present in reality, once and for all. Monotonous but relativistic and deceptive. Although the flow of time captivates the laws of nature, all the brains congruently become erroneous within its horizons.


Among all; between reality and imagination, between truth and fact, between expectation and vision, between thought and action, between past and future, between positive and negative, between life and death, between you and me; there’s always an interface.



LIGHT : Postman of our eyes.

A wave or A particle ?…

A radiation or A matter ?…

Vacuum or aether ?…

Nothing or Everything ?…

Complication or An Illusion ?…

Ever wondered, What if there wouldn’t be any light ??

God would be deliberately displeased after being acquainted with the fact that all the efforts in fabricating the precious “EYE” went in vein…

In fact, Neither of us could’ve ever been able to comprehend the universe without the existence of Light.

Speaking of light, let us initiate by considering a broad zoomed out perspective of this phenomena that how much it has been redefined till this date;

Before early 1900s, light was widely accepted to behave as “Wave” according to Classical Newtonian mechanics. Even diffraction, interference & polarisation related phenomenons were satisfactorily described by this wave type nature of light upto certain macroscopic extent. Then James Maxwell reconstructed the notion of Light to be an “Electromagnetic Wave“.

The direction of propagation of this EM wave is perpendicular to both Electric field and Magnetic field.

While the 19th century had seen the success of the Wave Theory at describing light, It had also witnessed the rise of the “Quantum Theory” at describing matter at microscopic level.

to be continued 🙂

ALIEN : A Question Indeed

U can’t understand universe, untill u understand yourself.

Well, Before I begin to exhibit my perspective towards the following question about the existence of conjectured and speculative species;

I’d like to manifest a procedure regarding the evolution of human civilisation, which isn’t still clarified when and how it initialised to evolve in such manner.

But let’s suppose a time spectrum, from negative infinity (time) when the living advancement started to implant in order & despite the concerns of the future of earth, let us also postulate that our revolutionary span extends upto positive infinity (time). And we’re at the origin of this scale right now at the the probability of perceiving the resources of ALIEN on this hypothetical spectrum is exactly equal (i.e. 1/2) at both the halves, regarding our point of reference.

So, in this expedition of our life, we can definitely not convey with 100% firm; how, when & where these so called ALIEN’s gonna be. We can’t even estimate their approximate position on that time scale we’re measuring.

I strongly believe that its probability is 0.999… that somewhere in this gigantic universe must be those genuinely established circumstances and proper surroundings/environment corresponding the equivalence of ours, to imply that we aren’t alone in this universe.

Let me modify that “time” scale and customise it into “spacetime” scale. There’s quite uncertainty in determining their co-ordinates in this spacetime continuum, as we cannot stabilise wormholes due to inadequacy of exotic matter.

Another possibility in the bewilderment of ALIEN existence is that “Another Dimension”.

Here’s a very compelling solution to this paradox :

Consider a 3-dimensional space, where our spacetime scale is lying in a particular plane. There are other planes which are parallel to the previous plane which indicates ‘another dimensions’. Those planes has their own spacetime scales. But It’s impossible to get across the planes because the only way to traverse through it, is a stable wormhole !!

So, it is clearly concised that We’re NOT MEANT to distinguish the validity and authenticity of the conjectured species : ALIENS.